Be Environmentally Friendly With These Green Energy Tips

Although many people have heard of green energy, it’s not clear what it is to most. If you’re confused about what green-energy technology is or wondering why you should use it, this article will be of help to you. Read this article to learn how you can use green energy in your home.

Cutting back on your daily electricity usage is a simple way to conserve energy. Unplug appliances when they’re not in use. Turn off the lights and TV when not in the room. This simple tip can save you a lot of money.

One way to help conserve energy is to use window treatment to block sunlight. Closing your blinds and curtains will keep out the sun in summer and keep heat from escaping in winter. By utilizing these ideas, you will drop your AC costs dramatically as your house remains cooler during the summer. You will save energy and money as well.

Provide Energy

Do you have a large plot of land? If you or someone you know does, you can rent a piece of your land to a company looking to put in a wind turbine. This installation will provide energy while taking little space and it will provide energy to you and perhaps your neighbors.

Replace or clean your furnace filters yearly, and recheck them monthly. Adding filters to your warm-air registers is not a bad idea, either. This will help keep debris or dirt from clogging vents and reducing their overall efficiency.

Do things like wash your clothes inside some cold water, if you can. Almost ninety percent of the energy used by a washing machine comes from heating the water for a warm or hot cycle. Most good quality laundry detergents work just as well in cold water. Another great tip is to always fill up the washer with a full load so that you’re being as efficient as possible.

Cover your windows when no one is at home. Your house will stay cool and you won’t use as much energy this way. South facing windows will receive the most sun, and therefore heat. Make sure that all the windows are covered with dark curtains, blinds, roman shades, or whatever shade you choose.

Instead of using the dryer in the summertime, hang clothes outside in the warm sunshine. As well as drying your clothes, the sun can also help your clothes smell nice. They’ll smell so much better than if you shoved them into a dryer! Also, your utility bills will be greatly decreased.

Now that you are more informed about environmentally-friendly technologies, you are ready to take the next step and integrate it into your home. Use these tips to start using green technology in your own home. The environment and your savings will benefit from green technology.

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